
Top 3 Google Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome is the main browser I use, both at work and on my personal laptop. It generally works smoothly and is very reliable.

To make my life easier and be more productive I use certain extensions in my browser. In case you are wondering what is a “browser extension”, well, it’s basically an app that you can add on top of your browser. This app will perform certain actions for you. For example:


AdBlock picture
AdBlock picture

This extension will block every advert that would normally be shown on a website or on YouTube videos. It just quietly works in the background and you don’t even notice that an advert has been blocked. For those reasons, this is my favorite browser extension.



This is also one of the most useful extensions available on the chrome web store at the moment. If your grammar is still a “work in progress” or if you’re just like me and you cannot type as fast as your brain dictates then this app will come in hand very handy. I found it to be 98% reliable and correct most of the time.



Momentum picture
Momentum picture

Is a great extension that offers you not just some grammar checking but a personal dashboard that shows you a different background picture every day, inspirational quotes, the wheater and also a to-do list. I personally enjoy having all of those things everytime I open a new tab. I find it easier to organize the things I have to do by putting them in a list.

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Let me know if there are any other extensions that would be worth trying out.


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